What is God doing in your life?
What is God doing in your life? We want to rejoice with you!
Share your rejoicings with us by emailing rejoice@netherwoodpark.com or by filling out the one (1) question online form by Clicking Here!
February 2025 Senior Connection Now Available
You can Download the February 2025 Senior Connection in the members area of this website (requires login). This month Rick Alcon's bio is featured in Dixie Cantrall's "Gardens of Life" article. Rick was in a large youth group at Netherwood, and he has a picture showing some of them. He wonders how many in the group you can identify. Phillip Chappell's article, "Thank God for Biology", features a unique member of an ant colony, called the "honeypot ant". Prepare to be amazed when you learn what their function is in the colony!
Prime Timers Luncheon February 16th
Seniors, please RSVP to the office ASAP.
The Prime Timers (for our 55 and above senior members) lunch is Sunday, February 16th right after class in the Gym. This is the meal that the youth group hosts in honor of the Seniors. This year, we'll have Mike Pitcher's pulled pork sandwiches and BBQ sides from Rudy's.
Set up is Saturday, February 15th at 6:00pm. We'll be setting up tables and chairs and decorations. Masha is coordinating this and she will need help, so please come if you can.
On Sunday, we will let youth class out about 10 minutes early so that we can get ready to serve in the Gym. Teens will run plates to the Seniors and take drink orders. You are encouraged to get to know the Seniors and spend time with them.
Aaron Ohlhausen Memorial Service February 19th
From Robin and Tony Ohlhausen:
As you know, our son Aaron has been experiencing medical issues for several months and was diagnosed with terminal cancer about a month ago. He passed away Thursday night peacefully with me and Robin by his side. We rejoice that he is not in any pain, did not have to endure an extended time of convalescence and is now home with Jesus. He will be missed dearly.
Brotherhood of Coffee (North) Friday, February 21, 2025
Brotherhood of Coffee (North) will meet on Friday February 21, 2025, at the McDonald's on 8001 Harper Dr NE, from 6:00 am to 8:00 am. This is a come and go event.
If you have any questions, please talk to Rex Moore or Bill Henson
Ephesians 4: 1-3
1 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Netherwood Park Work Day March 29th, 2025
Walk For Water May 3rd
Event Details
Date: May 3, 2025
Registration Opens: 9:30 AM
Event Begins: 10:00 AM
Location: Albuquerque Nature Center located at 2901 Candelaria Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107 (map)
Netherwood Park Family Encampment at Ponderosa Christian Camp August 15-17
Ladies Bible Class
Thursday Ladies Bible Class resumed on January 9th, 2025.
Thursday Ladies Bible Class normally meets in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 am to 11 am.
Babysitting will be provided.
Ladies of all ages are invited!
Our study this Fall will be video and discussion of Kristi McLelland’s Luke in the Land –Walking with Jesus in His First-Century World.
Small Group Has Resumed For 2025
There is a Small Group study of the Gospel of John which resumed on Monday, January 6th, 2025 at 2:00 pm at Netherwood in the library. See Fred Bitting if you have questions.
Anyone who is interested in attending a small study group during the day in the early afternoon and is unable to attend during the evening is invited to participate in a group study of the Gospel of John at Netherwood which originally started September 9th at 2:00pm at Netherwood in the library. See Fred Bitting if you have questions.
Many of you are eager to start up Small Groups again. After a summer break, our groups are ready to get back together and catch up on what everyone has been up to.
Why do we have Small Groups? They serve a specific purpose. In Acts 2:42-47, we see that the new believers, about 3,000 of them, formed a fellowship and met frequently, both as a large group and in smaller groups. “Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread from house to house.” There was a strong desire for fellowship and a need for groups of both sizes.
We’d love for you to be part of a Small Group! If you’d like to join one, call the church office or contact Mike Pitcher or Fred Bitting.
Transportation & Companionship Help
We would like to inform everyone about the area of ministry we cover and how we can be of service to you and your family.
Transportation Help:
If you or a family member need transportation, whether it be to church, the doctor, or anywhere else, please let either Steve Carman or JR Marquez know so they can help arrange transportation for you or your family member.
Help With Companionship Of Family Members:
Additionally, many of our members are caring for parents or other family members who require round-the-clock care. If you need someone to come and either sit with a family member or keep them company while you go to appointments or run errands, they will be happy to arrange that as well.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to either one of us if you need help in these areas.
Church App for Your Smart Phone
If you have a smart phone you will want to download the Our Church app. It is simple to download if you follow these steps. Go to your App Store and search for the "Our Church - By ChurchDev.com" app and "Get" it. Finally, search for Netherwood Park Church of Christ and install it...see the screenshot. You now have our website on your phone!
On the upper left of the app you can click on the three bars to see the menu. If you have a username and password you can access the member's area and view the latest church directory, bulletin, etc. If you haven't signed up for access you can easily do so. An important feature of the app is that if the church leadership ever needs to send an important or emergency message to the members it can be done via a "push notification" and it will appear immediately on your phone.