2024 Fall Quarter Sunday Morning Classes
Our 2024 Fall Quarter classes start September 1st and we would love to see you attend a Bible class. Here is a list of what we have to offer.
- Love, Judgement and Mercy - Taught by Craig Hayes - East Fellowship Hall.
Jesus said do not judge or you too will be judged (Matthew 7:1), but then Paul turns around and rails against the Christians in Corinth for not judging someone (1Corinthians 5). Is there such a thing as an appropriate judgment of someone? If so, what makes it appropriate or inappropriate? How can God (or a Christian for that matter) be both loving and judgmental? ls it hypocritical to pass judgment on someone else (Matthew 7:3)? Is church discipline still relevant today and, if so, what should it look like? There must be an intersection between the concepts of love, judgment, and mercy. How do we acknowledge sin and still genuinely show love and mercy without placing ourselves as better than other people? Jesus's example shows us a path forward.
- Life of the Apostle Peter - Taught by Scott Nance - Auditorium.
This class is about the life of the Apostle Peter through the Gospels and Acts, to his letters to the Gentile Christians in Asia. From his humble beginnings as a fisherman, through his time with Jesus, to his sermon at Pentecost and his preaching to the Gentiles, Peter was a complicated man of many contradictions.
- Psalms - Taught by Trevor Richt - Young Professionals.
The Psalms give voice to all seasons of life. Adapting Walter Brueggemann's scheme, we see psalms for seasons of orientation, when life is good, and everything is moving just fine. Other times, we are in a season of disorientation, when our grief or our sin weigh heavy, and we cry out to God. Finally, we may find ourselves in a season of new orientation, when we look back at the pit we were in and give thanks to God for his faithfulness through the journey. This study will move us from orientation, through disorientation, and onto new orientation. Learners in all seasons of life will find their voices echoed in these psalms.
- Psalms - Taught by Chase Moss - Family Life.
This class will also be studying the Psalms (see above).
- Old Testament Discussion Class - Led by Zane Heard - Room 104.
Join us as we explore a dramatic sequence of events in the story of power and betrayal early in the book of 2 Samuel. David will become king of Judah while Ish-Bosheth rules over Israel, leading to a power struggle. Abner will switch to David's side, only to be killed by Joab. After Ish-Bosheth is murdered by his own men, David will condemn the act, clearing the way for him to become king over all Israel. In this discussion class we will learn how God deals with his people and discover lessons for us today.
- High School Class: Core Doctrines - What We Believe - Taught by Addison Keele - High School Classroom.
Who is God? What do we believe about Jesus? Why do we worship the way we do? What do we think will happen when we die? What's the purpose of the church? We will be spending time diving into our core beliefs as a church and explaining why we do what we do and why we believe what we believe.
- Middle School Class: Life of Christ - Matthew and Mark - Taught by Curtis Burnett and Hondo Dorsey - Middle School Classroom.
Come and spend time getting to know Jesus. We will be looking at how Jesus lived, talked, and acted as seen through the Gospels of Matthew and Mark.
See you in Bible class!